Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Zeno Clash

What do you get if you combined Oblivion with Street Fighter with a mix of dystopia, you'd get Zeno Clash.
Zeno Clash is a brawler that you play from a first person perspective, I found this to be a new and fresh idea that worked very well. You fight using a combo of kicks and punches each combo having its effect to put em together to create the most deadly combo you can. You can also use a mix of weapons including guns, and hand to hand weapons , which are necessary to defeat bigger enemies. I enjoyed this game, but the controls are a wee bit awkward and it has some bugs. I'd give it a 7/10, it was original, enjoyable, and well written, but had some control issues and some bugs.


Super meat boy, look at him, all small and cute and....em....meaty. This game is a side scrolling platformer that will have you breaking controllers and smashing your consoles. The game is about Meat Boy and his girl friend Bandage Girl, but she gets kidnapped by the evil Dr Fetus(I am being serious here.) And it is up to Meat Boy to save her. This game is so damn hard at times, but when you beat a stage you feel accomplished. The soundtrack of this game is a throw back to the old days of gaming. I enjoyed(and hated) every minute of this game. People who like easier games may not enjoy this as much as someone who is looking for a challenge, I give it a 9/10 for the creativity, the soundtrack, and just how amazing it is(And so darn adorable.)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


VVVVV, what can I say about it, its a little indie game that is HARD AS FREAKIN NAILS! This game is only game I have every heard describe as a "hyper death plat former" when they say hyper death they mean hyper death. You will die, then you will die again, and again and again and again. It can get a bit frustrating. But the game itself is very will put together. They story of the game is you play as Captain Veridian and your ship warps all your crew mates to random locations, its your mission to get them back. There are no enemies in this game, you don't even jump, a platformer with no jumping WHAT IS THIS??? Instead of jumping you control gravity to get around obstacles. The game has one of the best sound tracks I have heard in the last few years. It is an amazing game, def a must for any person who loves old school gaming. But I must warn, if you get flustered easily this game may not be for you, its very much a game you take in strides. My personal rating for it is 8/10 its fun, challenging and has an amazing sound track, but at times is just a tad too hard.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Poker Night at the Inventory

Poker Night at the Inventory, what words can explain this game, fun, addicting......vulgar. You are The Player, in a poker game with Max, from Sam and Max, Strongbad from Homestarunner, The Heavy from Team Fortress 2 and Tycho, from the Penny Arcade comic strips. This game is Texas Hold 'Em, if you like poker and video games, you should get this. Its only 5 bucks, the banter between everyone is worth it alone. The game does have a option to turn off or on a censor for the foul langue that mostly only Tycho uses. for a cheap poker game with witty humor. Its fully worth the 5 bucks. Some Steam users have had some troubles with the graphics but with the latest patch it has been working just fine. There are some lag issues at time, but you hardly notice them. 8/10.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Puzzle Agent

Puzzle Agent, a indie game from developer Taletell Games, most known for their Sam and Max series, this game is quite a bit like the Layton series, but is more story driven. You play as  Nelson Tethers from the US Department of Puzzle Research from/ the FBI and you are sent to the town of Scogin's to investigate a factory closure. You will run into all kinds of crazy people. This game has some of the most witty and humor filled script.It is animated as a comic book with speech bubbles and such. You will be solving puzzle after puzzle, which is quite fun. Some of the puzzles in this game are hard as nails and will have you racking your brain for answers and even thinking about them when your not playing. This is a great game for anyone from 10 to 80. Fun, challenging, humor filled, witty, everything a good puzzle game needs. 10/10.

Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days

I am one of those few people that loved the first Kane and Lynch, this one...welllllllll I loved it even more. I fully enjoyed this game, I will be playing over and probably over again. The camera reminds me of old time gritty crime movie.s, to me it feels like a old Taratino movie. Now I must say this game is not for kids....at all, I must warn it has, some of the most profanities in a row in a game, it has rape(Heard not seen) Has nudity(Seen but censored) and to the people complaining about the head shots being censored, the developers weren't going to but they wanted it to feel like a documentary following these two criminals, also why the nudity is censored as well.  I really enjoyed plaything through this game, to sum things up, this game is a fast paced action shooter that will constantly have you running, covering, and shooting. This is by NO WAY a kids game, cannot stress that, if your kid asks for this game, unless he has been exposed to this kinda style of media, I'd say don't get. I enjoyed the whole ride through, I would give it a 8/10 easily.